Corgi in the Philippines

As a pet owner, I’ve noticed an exciting trend captivating the hearts of Filipinos. And that’s the rise in popularity of this adorable breed.

With their distinctive short legs and elongated bodies (looking like a loaf of bread when sitting), Corgis has become a sensation in our country. But it’s not just their delightful proportions that have won us over. There’s something about their personality that resonates deeply with us.

They are known for their intelligence and adaptability, traits we highly value. They’re also incredibly sociable creatures, aligning perfectly with our culture of camaraderie. Their playful demeanor and infectious energy can lighten up any room, making them the center of attention at family gatherings.

This blog post comprehensively examines the costs and commitments of owning a Corgi. We delve into initial expenses, yearly costs, and factors influencing these. It’s a valuable resource to weigh the pros and cons before welcoming one into your home.

How Much Does a Corgi Cost in the Philippines?

So, how much does it cost to become a Corgi parent? These little furballs of joy come with a price tag that might surprise some. A purebred Corgi can set you back anywhere from ₱50,000 to ₱150,000. Yes, you read that right!

Price Difference between Pembroke and Cardigan Welsh Corgis

Interestingly, despite Pembroke’s popularity (they’re the ones in Buckingham Palace), their greater availability can make them sometimes less expensive than Cardigans. A Pembroke Welsh Corgi puppy’s price from a reputable breeder can start from ₱50,000, while a Cardigan Welsh Corgi puppy’s price can start from ₱75,000.

What Factors Affect the Price?

While there’s no simple answer to “How much does a Corgi cost?” These factors all affect the final price tag.

a. Breeder’s Reputation

  • Renowned breeders, recognized for their dedication to raising healthy and well-behaved pups, typically demand a higher price for their litters.
  • The price reflects the breeder’s experience, dedication, and exceptional care provided for the dogs.

b. Pedigree and Bloodline

  • A puppy descended from show-winning lineages or has a royal pedigree can demand a higher price.
  • Ancestry from champions or imported bloodlines may result in a premium price tag.

c. Coat Type

  • Rare colors or patterns might increase the price.
  • But beware of breeders who charge extra for “rare” colors not recognized or preferred in the breed standard.

d. Gender

  • While there can be a price difference between males and females in some breeds, it’s usually not a significant factor.
  • Both males and females bring their unique charm to the “Corgi shuffle.”

f. Age

  • Puppies generally cost more than adult dogs.

g. Health Considerations

  • Good breeders ensure their puppies are healthy and have their initial vaccinations.
  • Factor in potential vet bills too.

It is essential to consider all these aspects when budgeting for a new furry friend. If you’re still considering various breeds and want to understand the pricing better, you can explore this comprehensive guide on dog prices in the Philippines.

There are a lot of factors affecting a Corgi's price

The Yearly Expenses

Now, let’s discuss the ongoing costs. Consider these the annual fees for the endless happiness, companionship, and innumerable photogenic moments your adorable four-legged friend provides.

1. Food

One of the most significant expenditures is food. An adult Corgi typically consumes between 0.67 and 1.5 cups of food daily, divided into two meals. Given that a single cup of dry dog food weighs roughly 0.1 kg, and if they eat 1.5 cups each day, their monthly consumption comes to about 4.5 kg.

That costs ₱10,000 to ₱20,000 every year. Individual requirements can vary based on age, weight, and activity level, so it’s best to consult a vet.

2. Veterinary Visits

Then there’s healthcare. Vaccinations, deworming, and regular vet check-ups are non-negotiable. Depending on your location and your dog’s specific needs, this could be another ₱10,000 to ₱15,000 per year.

3. Grooming

Grooming is another factor. Those fluffy coats don’t stay magnificent on their own! Regular grooming sessions can add up to a few thousand pesos each year. If you plan to book grooming services every other month, you’re looking at ₱6,000 to ₱12,000 every year.

4. Toys and Accessories

Lastly, let’s not forget toys and accessories. They are energetic and playful. You’ll need a steady supply of toys to keep them entertained (and save your furniture). Add a comfy bed, leash, collar, and the occasional stylish bandana, and you’re looking at another few thousand pesos each year.

Total Yearly Expense

In total, be ready to shell out ₱29,000 to ₱52,000 every year for your Corgi. After all, you’re not just buying a dog but gaining a loyal companion. Now that’s priceless!

First Year Expense

Corgi’s Price₱50,000 to ₱100,000
Food₱10,000 to ₱20,000
Vet Visits₱10,000 to ₱15,000
Grooming₱6,000 to ₱12,000
Toys and Accessories₱3,000 to ₱5,000
TOTAL₱79,000 to ₱152,000

Identifying Purebred Corgis

Corgis have a unique look and a royal background. They are loved all over the world. Learn about their physical traits to know if a puppy is authentic as detailed in their American Kennel Club profile.

  • Stature: Corgis are small to medium in size. They stand 10-12 inches tall and weigh 25-30 pounds. Their body is long and low to the ground.
  • Legs: Their short legs contribute to their unique profile, supporting a muscular physique.
  • Coat: This double coat features a thick, weather-resistant outer layer and a soft undercoat. It comes in red, sable, fawn, and black and tan.
  • Tail: These dogs are known for their short or docked tails.
  • Ears and Head: Large, erect ears atop a fox-like head with a slightly rounded skull define their alert expression.
  • Eyes: This breed’s eyes are medium, oval, and dark. They show that they are smart and alert.

Understanding these key features helps identify an authentic Corgi, ensuring you bring a genuine companion into your home. You also need to check that they are purebred responsibly.

Your Guide to Asking the Right Questions Before Buying

Before you get swept off your feet by those irresistible puppy eyes, it’s critical to ask your breeder the right questions. I assure you, no question regarding the well-being of your future fur babies is too insignificant.

a) Have the parents undergone health checks?

Inquire about the health of the puppies’ parents. Do they have PCCI documentation? Have they undergone necessary health tests?

b) What are the breeder’s practices?

Find out about the breeder’s practices. How long have they been breeding? What were their goals for the litter? This information will provide insight into their expertise and intentions. It’s essential to support ethical breeders prioritizing the dogs’ welfare over profits.

c) How has the puppy been socialized and cared for?

Ask about the puppy’s socialization. They are known for their sociable nature, and early socialization plays a vital role in developing this trait. Also, inquire about their diet and eating habits.

d) Can I meet the puppy’s parents?

If possible, request to meet the puppy’s parents. It will give you an idea of your puppy’s potential appearance and temperament and a chance to check the environment they were raised in. Plus, who can resist more pup cuddle time?

e) What should I know about the puppy itself?

Then, ask about the puppy itself. How old is it? Is it show quality or pet quality? Can you handle the entire litter? And let’s not forget the all-important question: Is the puppy ready to be the star of your YouTube videos?

f) What documentation will I receive?

Finally, ensure you will receive all the necessary documentation:

  • PCCI Registration
  • Pet Vaccine Booklet

Bringing these furry friends into your home is a significant decision. It’s not just about the adorable photos or trending hashtags. It’s about welcoming a new family member. So, take your time, ask these questions, and ensure that your new pet is as delighted to be with you as you are with them. 

what to expect when buying a corgi

Do Corgis Need Aircon 24/7?

They originally came from Wales’s cool and damp climate. They can face challenges in consistently hot climates like the Philippines. Their thick double coat, while protective under various weather conditions, can also lead to overheating. Despite this, it isn’t necessary to have air conditioning running constantly

However, providing them with a relaxed, comfortable resting space is crucial. Utilizing fans, ensuring sufficient shade, and offering plenty of fresh water can help maintain their comfort and prevent severe conditions like heatstroke. If such signs are observed, cooling your dog and seeking immediate veterinary help is vital.

Pros and Cons of Owning a Corgi

Having this breed as a pet in our tropical country is like having your ray of sunshine, but it also comes with challenges.

The Pros:

  1. Personality: They’re known for their friendly and playful nature. They’re quick learners, often with a cheeky sense of humor that will keep you on your toes.
  2. Guard Dogs: Despite their small stature, they make excellent guard dogs. Their bark can be louder than their bite, but rest assured, they’re always on alert.
  3. Intelligence: These dogs are super bright. You might find them outsmarting you on more occasions than you’d like to admit!

The Cons:

  1. Activity Level: They are herding dogs by nature. This means they need lots of mental and physical stimulation. If you’re more of a “Netflix and chill” person, they might have you switching to a “Netflix and treadmill” lifestyle!
  2. Barking: Dogs love expressing themselves, but sometimes, it can get too much. This could be a downside if you’re not a fan of noise.
  3. Shedding: Their fur parents often joke that they have two pets – their Corgi and a perpetual fur cloud. This breed sheds a lot, so get ready to become best friends with your vacuum cleaner.

So there you have it. Owning a Corgi is a rollercoaster of fun, fur, and frolicking. Prepare to battle fur bunnies and try to keep up with their energy. But at the end of the day, when they curl up next to you, all those challenges seem worth it!

Cuteness Overload: Top 4 Alternatives to Corgis

If you’ve ever been captivated by the charismatic charm of these short-statured, endearing-eared, and playful pets, you’re not alone. A whole world of canine companions share similar adorable traits.

1. Shiba Inu

Consider the Shiba Inu. This Japanese breed mirrors the fox-like face and spunky spirit of our favorite short-legged friend. They are known for their loyalty and intelligence, much like the breeds we adore. Explore this Shiba Inu buying guide for Filipinos here.

2. King Charles Spaniel

Then there’s the King Charles Spaniel, a breed with a royal pedigree. Its soulful eyes and cuddly size echo the appeal but with an added dash of regal elegance.

3. Swedish Vallhund

And let’s not forget the Swedish Vallhund, often dubbed the “Viking” version of our loved pet. This breed is like our beloved friend in a wolf’s clothing. They share the same sturdy build but come with a unique silvery coat that sets them apart.

4. Beagle

These small to medium-sized dogs, with their expressive eyes, floppy ears, and various coat colors, are family-friendly, gentle, and fun-loving, making them an excellent choice for those seeking a blend of Corgi-like traits with a unique twist. Find out the price of a Beagle here.

Choosing between these breeds isn’t easy, like picking your favorite Filipino food. It’s all about finding a pooch that fits your lifestyle and warms your heart, just like our short-legged friends would.

So whether you find yourself drawn to the energetic Shiba Inu, the aristocratic King Charles Spaniel, or the robust Swedish Vallhund, rest assured, you’ll be in for a lifetime of love and loyal companionship.

